Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Sweet Little Dresses

I've been working on some little girl dresses as a special request.  Once I got started I couldn't stop.  What was supposed to be one dress turned into five!  All the dresses I used a pattern and added some of my own twists, but now that I've learned some new techniques I'm excited to try out some of my own designs! Stay tuned! 
From Mountain Soleil

My beautiful model.  This is a size 2T dress, but makes an adorable tunic for a 4 year old!  Can't wait to make more of these. 
From Mountain Soleil

From Mountain Soleil

pattern from Romeo and Mae

From Mountain Soleil

pattern from Leila and Ben

From Mountain Soleil

pattern from MADE.  I used organic knit.  So cute and cozy - will be making more of these, too!

From Mountain Soleil

pattern from Lil Blue Boo - used repurposed t-shirts

From Mountain Soleil

pattern by Lotta Jansdotter

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Carrie's Corner

As some of you may know, we moved to a new house this past Spring.  Needless to say, I haven't been doing much sewing this summer.  Not only have I been organizing our wonderful new house, but who wants to be stuck behind a sewing machine when summer in Jackson is so short and beautiful!  I did finally get my sewing stuff organized.  We didn't have an extra room, so I took over a corner in my bedroom, hence the name, Carrie's Corner.  My husband told me it may as well be "Carrie's Room" since when I start I tend to take over the whole thing (you should see the closet...fabric central).  Here is a pic of my new sewing space!  Thanks Mom and Dad for the table!   More updates to come!
From Mountain Soleil